When we started this trip, we wrote down some of the goals we had for these six months. We’ve mentioned several of these before as reasons for leaving the DC area, but others are simply things we wanted to make sure we did while on the road. So how are we doing? In no particular order,
- See a lot of the country – have you checked out the latest Stats post? I think we’ve done this, and there’s even more to go!
- Do things we can’t do with kids – we’ve done plenty, but it’s encouraging how many things we think we can continue to do with kids, or slowly ramp up to when they grow older.
- Get a lot of things we want to do and see out of the way before we have kids – full steam ahead
- Move from VA to CO – fully in motion, final arrival in mid-October
- De-stress – the lack of traffic alone has done this!
- Strengthen our marriage – there was certainly nothing wrong in our marriage, but we both think relationships should grow, mature, and deepen and in many ways this trip, living in an RV, and such, is doing just that.
- Grow closer to God and to each other – God is a cornerstone in our lives and marriage; this is a priority for us.
- Be active, for healthy bodies and minds – lots of hiking and climbing!
- See some friends and family along the way – we’ve been able to do this several times already, with more visits planned
- Keep a blog - check
- Keep up with Small Group bible studies and RBC (Reston Bible Church) online sermons – yep, though sometimes we fall behind and then catch up as time allows
- Read interesting books for fun – so glad there’s more time for this now; look me up on Good Reads to see what I’m reading
- Think more about what we eat – on track, see below
- Scout out other places to potentially live in the future – on track, see below
Also, since we are past the 3 month mark now (hard to believe!), we’ve had some time to reflect on the journey so far. What are some things that have come to mind?
- Denver is still where we want to go. As we’ve traveled throughout various areas of the country, we’ve asked ourselves whether we would have preferred to live there. This has only reinforced that Colorado is the place we want to be. There could be a few other interesting possibilities for the future, if we ever get the itch to move again, but at this stage, CO is certainly right for us.
- This was the right decision. We are so glad that we took the time to do this.
- Taking risk and making a change can be a good thing. As uncomfortable or scary as it can seem, they are necessary at times!
- You can live in a smaller space with fewer possessions than you think. We seriously downsized from our townhome to live in this trailer, but we’ve gotten so used to this now; it’s “home”. Most of our possessions are locked up in a storage pod, and we’re doing just fine.
- The importance of healthy eating. Not that we were doing too shabby to begin with, but being on the road like this, buying smaller amounts of groceries to fit in our fridge and cabinets, the extra time we have, has allowed us to think more about and focus on even healthier eating.
- Though we surmised it before, we’re sure that getting our kids outside, helping them build an enduring connection with nature, is going to be extremely important to us in raising children.
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