Blog Archive

Monday, July 22, 2013

Spokane, WA - Not the same town I moved away from!

After a long, enjoyable stay, we bid Montana adieu and continued west again toward Spokane, WA.  My sister was the only one in the family who stayed in the town we grew up in and it was nice to see her and her husband (both are J names, so I know this is going to be tedious, but yes, we will refer to them as J and J).
J and J live in a nice house just over 4 miles from the house I grew up in.  Since I can't bring myself to describe their neighborhood as cute, I'll say it has character.  In fact, a lot of the neighborhoods in that part of town have a lot of character and I find myself surprised to see how interesting the place I moved away from has become.  Part of that is because there are a lot of cool restaurants and shops that have moved in and part of it is because I actually like to go outside now instead of play video games all day.  So not only are there lots of interesting new hangouts, but there is also a lot of awesome outdoorsy stuff to do in the area (more on that in another post).
When we arrived we parked Koala in front of their house and for the first time since we were in Indiana, we fully moved into a house.  Not that we're tired of living on the road, but living out of a real house has some perks as well.  Especially when your sister is an amazing cook and treats you to 3 meals a day.  That and laundry is a lot easier!
When we weren’t out and about, we spent a lot of time just talking and catching up.  We had such a good time that it was a little hard to move on at the end of our stay.  I think J and J may have also been on a secret mission to show us that Spokane is a cool city.  I think they succeeded.  It's definitely not the same place I left 8 years ago.

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