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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Counting Our Blessings

Of course this entire trip has been a giant blessing, one that we are appreciating very much and are definitely not taking for granted. Like we've said before, we felt like it was time to leave the DC area and move, including taking this time off for all the reasons we described. We definitely felt that after praying about it for some time, that God was telling us to take action rather than the message of patiently waiting we felt we'd received before. So many things worked out so well and in such as way we believe it has been God's guiding hand. And we know he's still watching out for us as we travel.

So, we were very grateful when we returned home one evening in Wyoming to a campground littered with downed trees, and our RV was unhit. As we drove in and saw toppled trees, including one on top of a vehicle, we strained our eyes to see our trailer in the dim light. Luckily all was well. Rangers had even come through already and cut up / moved most of the trees out of the way. The spots behind and next to us definitely lost some trees, and unfortunately, we think that our neighbor's RV probably got hit as they had arrived that morning and were gone that evening.

(Bäume fielen auf dem Wyoming Campingplatz in dem wir waren, aber unser Auto und Wohnwagen wurden nicht getroffen.)

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